Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)

UACB ensures that it remains relevant within the technical spheres where it operates an accreditation service. UACB uses Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to provide appropriate technical guidance on all matters within a specified field of expertise.

The TAC is a fundamental and vital component of operating a technically relevant accreditation system. Amongst other things, it is a tool to guide technical policy and to provide important mediation support in technical matters to the assessment process within a specified area of accreditation. If this important focus is somehow lost or blurred then problems are bond to arise with potentially damaging consequences to the credibility of the accreditation process.

Given the legal and political implications it is also important that in the regulatory domain, the selection and the use of TAC members for UACB operation provides the necessary technical depth but with due consideration of stakeholder’s representation.

Each Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) provides advice on the development of program requirements and interpretation and / or elaboration of the applicable international conformity assessment standards such as: ISO/IEC 17021, ISO/IEC 17024, ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 15189, ISO/IEC 17043, ISO/IEC 17065, and ISO 14065 & ISO Guide 34:2009.